"Ship Slice, 2013" by Deleted Artist

“This work of art sits on the banks of the River Thames, right by the O2 (or Millennium Dome as it was originally known), on the Greenwich Peninsula. Created by British sculptor Richard Wilson, ‘A Slice of Reality’ consists of a cross section of a sand dredger, literally sliced into a single piece, showing the bridge, poop, accommodation and engine room. Installed in 2000, I stumbled upon it on a walk along the Thames Pathway in 2013. From the path, it's difficult to see it as a work of art, looking for all the world like a moored boat until you glance over the railings. After capture, I made adjustments to the tone and colours, shifting the scene into a moody, overcast world.”

Art of the Day

"Tram Stop, 2014" by Mark Harrison

A city scene, is it day or night, is it in the past or the present? I wanted a dreamlike quality to this painting that somebody said reminded them of the film "The Third Man". This was an interesting observation as the director used huge World War Two searchlights to light the sets so that it too has a dreamlike quality due to the night/day lighting. It is based on a red/green complementary colour axis.

Art of the Day

"Swinging the World by the Tail, 2011" by Andrew McNeile Jones

A fur coat draped over a chair beside a pair of high heeled boots. There is something eternally decadent about a fur coat - even a faux one. And the boots are built for fun. The title came from a line in a song by Robert Plant and Alison Krauss; I liked the sense of taking control of one's life.

Art of the Day

"Resurrecting The Monumental, 2013" by Daniel Mullen

This Painting is part of a new series of works inspired by a trip to New York in the fall of 2013. The paintings in this series are not based on existing places but rather working intuitively, drawing upon experiences of space, form and imagination. In the works I am looking for a balance between a sense of lightness and the controlled way in which the paint is applied. As emptiness is a theme which runs through all the works using the unprepared canvas offers me the possibility to react on the canvas even before the first brush stroke. The title Resurrecting the monumental, comes through reflecting on the work after the physical part of the painting is complete. The title is formed by sifting through the notions, ideas and question that I was busy with while making the work.

Art of the Day

"TRANQUILLITY XI" by Peter Goodhall

I love water and this close up of the surface of calm water has many properties, the transparency of the shallow water shows the distorted patterns of pebbles, the water surface reflects the light and shows just that hint of movement. So easy to get your feet wet!

Art of the Day

"Sol (Sun), 2014" by Trinidad Ball

This painting is part of Fragments of Spain, a collection I created, capturing the images, flavours, smells and sights of Barcelona, where I was born. This painting is the companion piece to Sombra (Shade). It reveals the inner life of a lemon in its glory, with the sun enhancing its complexity, colours and the waxy nature of its skin. I love the way in which the light creates a rich shadow around it and deepens its colours.

Art of the Day

"Loch Ness Dusk, Highlands, Scotland - original Scottish landscape painting, 2014" by Andrew Peutherer

This is an original abstract, atmospheric skyscape painting of dusk over Loch Ness, Scotland. A dramatic mix of mediums in very vibrant colours were blended and layered over the canvas to produce a very atmospheric painting depicting the ever changing light and weather conditions of Scotland's Highland lochs. I love to combine and layer the different types of paint and application of medium, creating a unique style of atmospheric painting full of colour and drama. The painting continues around the deep edges of the canvas giving a very contemporary style although it can be framed if you wish.

Art of the Day

"Gemstones #3, 2014" by Caroline Ashwood

This is my new series of large abstract mosaic artworks on canvas. Multiple bright hues and iridescent accents of gold were applied in layers over textured squares, to create a deep saturation of colour. The work is heavily textured and when hung has real sculptural qualities. You can't help but reach out and touch it!

Art of the Day

"I’m so square and dotty…I love being me , 2014" by Jilly Henderson

“‘I’m so square and dotty…I love being me.’ Whoever you are, whatever you do, this drawing sets out to remind the onlooker that it’s great to be who you are…tall, short, serious, daft, a good singer on stage, a better singer in the shower, a fabulous cook or an egg burner….you are unique and it’s in every one of us to be special. This square dog with dotty tendencies loves being him…who wouldn’t?”

Art of the Day

"Summer Storm, 2014" by Jo Mortimer

“I created this piece after driving home a few nights ago through one of the recent summer lightning storms. This image was almost seared into my brain by a huge flash that lit up the sky in a beautiful wash of pink, and I just had to recreate it!”

Art of the Day