Vita Schagen

Joined Artfinder: Feb. 2016

Artworks for sale: 1249



About Vita Schagen

  • Biography

    Since I was a beginning artist I focused on paradoxical themes in my work, which I loved to create in my mind and then put them on the canvas. It changed into something completely opposite- simplicity combined with beauty, after a dramatic event in my life. I started to deeply resonate with the saying “live every day as it is your last one». In my work I want to express that value of life as an amazing gift and I do my best to make every day count by creating beauty - not only for myself but also for others. 

        These days, what I paint is largely based on a combination of spots of color.  During the process I sketch that chaotic first layer and the oil paint then dictates me itself what strokes to put on next. I would call my style close to impressionism. I prefer to use a palette knife before the brush because it allows me to be more flexible and free while painting with vivid thick layers. This way I am translating my emotions directly onto the canvas.

    I'm an artist with arthrosis. I've embraced both challenges and strengths. Raising awareness is crucial for fostering understanding. Despite physical limitations, I've found innovative ways to create art, expressing emotions and  perspectives. I hope to break stereotypes and show that arthrosis doesn't hinder a fulfilling life or artistic contributions. Your support means the world to me. Thank you for considering my paintings! I hope you enjoy them :) 

  • Links
  • Upcoming Events

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    Previous events

    Event: ARTFINDER Meet up & Exhibition in Lelystad, Netherlands

    Dates: 9 May 2016 - 4 Jun 2016

    Venue: Tiny's Galerie, Lelystad

    I'm participating in this exhibition of 11 Artists with ARTFINDER. 7 artists from Netherlands and 4 from Germany exhibit their art at Tiny's Gallery (Stationsplein 186, 8232VT, Lelystad)

    16:00 we have an Artfinder meet-up
    17:30 Vernissage with artists present.


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Previous events

Event: ARTFINDER Meet up & Exhibition in Lelystad, Netherlands

Dates: 9 May 2016 - 4 Jun 2016

Venue: Tiny's Galerie, Lelystad

I'm participating in this exhibition of 11 Artists with ARTFINDER. 7 artists from Netherlands and 4 from Germany exhibit their art at Tiny's Gallery (Stationsplein 186, 8232VT, Lelystad)

16:00 we have an Artfinder meet-up
17:30 Vernissage with artists present.



Since I was a beginning artist I focused on paradoxical themes in my work, which I loved to create in my mind and then put them on the canvas. It changed into something completely opposite- simplicity combined with beauty, after a dramatic event in my life. I started to deeply resonate with the saying “live every day as it is your last one». In my work I want to express that value of life as an amazing gift and I do my best to make every day count by creating beauty - not only for myself but also for others. 

    These days, what I paint is largely based on a combination of spots of color.  During the process I sketch that chaotic first layer and the oil paint then dictates me itself what strokes to put on next. I would call my style close to impressionism. I prefer to use a palette knife before the brush because it allows me to be more flexible and free while painting with vivid thick layers. This way I am translating my emotions directly onto the canvas.

I'm an artist with arthrosis. I've embraced both challenges and strengths. Raising awareness is crucial for fostering understanding. Despite physical limitations, I've found innovative ways to create art, expressing emotions and  perspectives. I hope to break stereotypes and show that arthrosis doesn't hinder a fulfilling life or artistic contributions. Your support means the world to me. Thank you for considering my paintings! I hope you enjoy them :)