About Don Bishop
1979 - 1982
Cal State Long Beach
Third Place, Professional Division
First Place, Quickdraw event
Best Of Show Umpqua Plein Air
Best Of Show
Sponsors Award Lake Oswego Festival Of The Arts Chronicle Plein Air
Sponsors Award
Third Place Award Yamhill Lavender Festival
Third Place Award
First Place Award Hillsboro Plein Air
First Place Award, Best Cityscape
Lake Oswego Festival Of The Arts 2011 Blue Ribbon Award
Blue Ribbon Award
Best Of Show Lake Oswego Festival Of The Arts
Best Of Show
First Place Award Yamhill Lavender Festival Paint Out
First Place Award
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Event: Umpqua Plein Air 2014
Dates: Sept. 13, 2014 - Sept. 28, 2014
Umpqua Valley Arts plein air paint out competition and show.
Event: Pacific Northwest Plein Air 2014
Dates: Sept. 6, 2014 - Sept. 28, 2014
Pacific Northwest Plein Air 2014 at Hood River OR.
Event: 2014 Plein Air, A Chronicle of Lake Owsego
Dates: May 10, 2014 - June 22, 2014
Lake Owsego Arts Council plein air paint out.
30 artists painting plein air at various Lake Oswego locations over two weekends.
Works exhibited at the Chronicle show during the Lake Oswego Arts Festival in June.
I have been painting in the Northwest for many years, and enjoy painting the magical scenery and light that makes this such a beautiful area. Spring and summer months often find me painting outside in the plein air style often with my paint pals, while the winter months bring mostly studio work. For me, painting is a continual growth process which usually involves creating several paintings at a time. I do both oils and acrylics for my paintings.
Oh, also my work has won numerous awards and has been purchased by art collectors worldwide. Thanks for your interest! Don B : )