About Algis Beržiūnas
2006 - 2002
Vilnius Art Academy (VDA), Faculty of Architecture and Design
'OUTin'. Avalon print project
Art creator status
V 17 Gallery competition “avant- garde object”
Special prize for furniture design project in national furniture design fair “baldai 2012”
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Event: Algio Beržiūno tapybos darbų paroda
Dates: Aug. 1, 2022 - Aug. 31, 2022
„Kiek save prisimenu, net ankstyvoje vaikystėje visada troškau estetinio pasitenkinimo."
Algis Beržiūnas – daugiadisciplinis Lietuvos menininkas, kurio darbai publikuoti leidiniuose, kolekcijose ir parodose visoje šalyje. Visada kovodamas už balansą tarp koncepcijos ir estetikos, jis laikosi eksperimentinio techninio požiūrio, kurio rezultatas – įdomių formų ir simbolikos kupini darbai. A. Beržiūnui dažų terpė - tikrovės dekonstravimo įrankis.
Vilniaus dailės akademijoje (VDA), Architektūros ir dizaino fakultete įgijo interjero dizaino bakalauro diplomą.
Prieš tai studijavo Vilniaus dizaino ir statybos kolegijoje.
Surengė ir dalyvauja grupinėse tapybos parodose.
AV 17 galerijos konkurso „avangardinis objektas“ nugalėtojas.
Event: artfair
Dates: June 23, 2022 - June 26, 2022
I was participating in Art fair in Kopengagen
Event: Playart
Dates: July 1, 2019 - Oct. 14, 2019
Event is hold by :
Photos here:
Event: K 29
Dates: Nov. 1, 2018 - Feb. 1, 2019
Exhibition in buisiness center K 29
Event: Spacewaiste
Dates: Feb. 19, 2017 - March 13, 2017
Canvas is my map for journey for discovering new lands and horizons.While art is not a handicraft for me- I do exploring new fields of a different visual languages and that gives me joy of new cognition. Conceptual narrative, expressive gesture or silent whispers all fits me depending what kind of message I do have that day. I do exist in the "that" seconds moment and how I feel then, it defines my states of being.
Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1745214162407511/
Dates: Sept. 9, 2016 - Sept. 16, 2016
Mobili mados, meno ir dizaino galerija, IKRA galerija, lauks naujoje vietoje ‒ Liepų g. 77.
16‒20 val. galėsite apžiūrėti parodą: Egidijus Godliauskas (tapyba), Algis Beržiūnas (tapyba), Alfonsas Lekavičius (transmedija)
21 val. vyks Baltijos šalių trumpametražių mados filmų peržiūra
22 val. ARTY PARTY / reivas / (koncerto bilieto kaina ‒ 2 Eur)
Event: from 2016.07.22/29
Dates: July 22, 2016 - July 29, 2016
Event: featured-collections- Supersized Art
Dates: June 2, 2016 - July 2, 2016
Event: Artfinder Collections in Top Picks
Dates: June 2, 2016 - July 2, 2016
So much art, so little time! See what the summer has in store with these top picks from the Artfinder Community. From sculptures inspired by Spanish Flamenco to still lifes that look good enough to eat, we've got the new season covered!
Event: AV 17 galery
Dates: April 23, 2012 - May 30, 2012
Event: brotherly tandem
Dates: May 1, 2011 - July 1, 2011
Algis Beržiūnas is a multi-disciplinary Lithuanian artist whose works have featured in publications, collections and exhibitions throughout the country. Always fighting for a balance between concept and aesthetics, he takes an experimentative technical approach that results in works full of interesting shapes and symbolism. For Beržiūnas, the medium of paint is a tool for deconstructing reality.
What was your first experience with/discovery of art? What made you want to become an artist?
Ass I remember my self since deep chilhood I was allways atracted and hungry for aestetical satisfaction for constructing by my self, or gazing all what is irational in the world around. Background of 7 years in classic violin muzic school and 4 years of architectural design studies baccalaureate in Vilnius academy of arts, made me hungry for more, so I have decided to take it all:)
In general it is like a game like "playart" for me. One day I will stay in one, or two, but today Im "enjoyng" of my experiments. Divergent thinking as a link between creativity and mental disorder gives me subjective opportunities for self expression, but allso takes down connection with objective reality. The "ballance" in concept and aestetics is what I am allways fighting for. So there is allways takes and mistakes together.
Paint as medium itself for me is a tool for deconstructing reality in level of sound taste and smell or out of concios concepts. Symbolism goes abstract and returns back in self made shapes like watter and ice.