Art drawings for sale

With little more than pencils, pastels and inks, discover artists who have drawing down to an art and buy an original drawing on Artfinder. Discover original, unique drawings from our global community of independent artists.

The original artwork

As methods of human communication go, drawing is about as old as they come! While we’ve come a long way from cave art, there’s still something uniquely intimate about drawings. From life drawing to whimsical landscape sketches, discover a piece of art that transports you straight to the artist’s space - studio, cave or wherever that may be!

A range of choice

Pencils, pastels, charcoal, ink - what makes you tick? Artfinder has a range of drawings, all ready to be snapped-up. And at a variety of price points, start your collection of drawings with something small and intimate, or you could even treat yourself to a set.