Mattia Paoli

Joined Artfinder: June 2018

Artworks for sale: 2809



About Mattia Paoli

  • Biography

    Mattia Paoli Noj, born Mattia Paoli (Florence, November 28, 1991), is a painter, photographer, sculptor, graphic designer and nft artist, well known and appreciated abroad. He is most famous for his paintings with car wheel tires. His artistic research explores new creative approaches and investigates the visual relationship between real objects and their representation.

  • Links
  • Education

    2014 - 2016

    Design Campus - University of Florence

    2011 - 2014

    Design Campus - University of Florence

    2005 - 2010

    Ist. Tornabuoni - Graphic Florence

    0 - 2022

    Publication book: Fat People and Things

  • Awards


    Cardo d'Argento prize

    Art Exhibition at Sala delle Vetrate, Caffè Letterario le Murate, Florence old town.
    I won second art prize.

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    IX rassegna di arte contemporanea Bagno a Ripoli - Firenze

    I won first painting prize under-25 during "Palio delle Contrade - Giostra della Stella", Bagno a Ripoli, Florence.
    Period: 9/6/2014-9/15/2014


    Cardo d'Argento

    I won first photography award at Auditorium della Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, via Folco Portinari, Florence old town.
  • Upcoming Events

    There are no upcoming events

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    Previous events

    Event: Esposizione di design

    Dates: 1 May 2021 - 1 Nov 2021

    Venue: Biennale di Architettura di Venezia, Venezia, Itali

    Esposizione progetto SAM padiglione Italia

    Event: E-state insieme

    Dates: 14 Jun 2019 - 27 Jun 2019

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    It's a group exhibition of gadarte artists.
    I showed the painting called "Silver way".

    Event: The water between us

    Dates: 3 Dec 2018 - 10 Dec 2018

    Venue: D|A|C, Miami, USA

    The Water Between Us

    One of the four essential elements, water is a symbolic natural
    resource which has nurtured philosophical and artistic traditions

    throughout the centuries.

    As early as prehistoric times, water has been an esteemed
    subject; humans have depicted water as a wavy line, a stylized
    image that was easily recognizable and comprehensible, as a
    means of attempting to understand what was unknown and


    Yet today, depictions of water often represent a focus that is less

    external and more internal.

    We have called artists together to reinterpret this primitive and
    timeless subject today in 2018. Utilizing an innovative approach

    to showcasing artwork, this exhibition is featuring an

    unconventional salon wall installation, gathering together these

    re-imaginings into one flowing vision.

    Event: Generation Gap

    Dates: 23 Nov 2018 - 23 Nov 2018

    Venue: Rifrullo, Firenze, Italy

    Artist interview

    Event: Tracce nel Tempo

    Dates: 19 May 2018 - 31 May 2018

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    Art Exhibition at Gadarte Gallery, via Sant'Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

    Event: Spring Art Exhibition

    Dates: 24 Mar 2018 - 5 Apr 2018

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    Art Exhibition at Gadarte Gallery, via Sant'Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

    Event: Arte a Natale

    Dates: 6 Dec 2017 - 6 Jan 2018

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    Art Exhibition at Gadarte Gallery, via Sant'Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

    Event: Assenza e Presenza

    Dates: 4 Nov 2017 - 24 Nov 2017

    Venue: Onart, Florence

    Art Exhibition at Onart Gallery, via della Pergola, Florence old town.

    Event: Ottone Rosai

    Dates: 4 Nov 2017 - 24 Nov 2017

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    Art Exhibition at Gadarte Gallery, via Sant'Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

    Event: Cardo d'Argento Prize

    Dates: 4 Oct 2017 - 8 Oct 2017

    Venue: Villa Vogel, Florence, Tuscany, Italy

    Art Exhibition at Villa Vogel, Florence.

    Event: Ottone Rosai

    Dates: 30 Sep 2017 - 6 Oct 2017

    Venue: Ottone Rosai Atelier, Florence

    Art Exhibition at Ottone Rosai Atelier, Florence old town.

    Event: Art Exhibition

    Dates: 1 Jun 2017 - 30 Sep 2017

    Venue: Tornabuoni Art, Forte dei Marmi

    Art Exhibition at Tornabuoni Art, Forte dei Marmi.

    Event: Art Exhibition

    Dates: 22 May 2017 - 9 Sep 2017

    Venue: Plaz, Florence

    Art Exhibition at Plaz, via Pietrapiana, Florence old town.

    Event: Carnevale

    Dates: 18 Feb 2017 - 3 Mar 2017

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    Art Exhibition at Gadarte Gallery, via Sant'Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

    Event: Sandro Botticelli

    Dates: 18 Nov 2016 - 20 Nov 2016

    Venue: Fortezza da Basso, Florence, Italy

    Art Exhibition with Professor Vittorio Sgarbi supervisor at Fortezza da Basso, Florence old town.

    Event: Arte istantanea

    Dates: 12 Nov 2016 - 24 Nov 2016

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    Art Exhibition at Gadarte Gallery, via Sant'Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

    Event: Cardo d'Argento Prize

    Dates: 23 Oct 2016 - 31 Oct 2016

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    Art Exhibition at Sala delle Vetrate, Caffè Letterario le Murate, Florence old town.
    I won second art prize.

    Event: Art Exhibition

    Dates: 3 Sep 2016 - 7 May 2016

    Venue: Caffè Serafini, Florence

    Art Exhibition at Caffè Sant'Ambrogio, Via Gioberti, Florence.

    Event: Art Exhibition

    Dates: 27 May 2016 - 7 Jul 2016

    Venue: Veggy Days, Florence

    Art Exhibition at restaurant Veggy Days, Via San Gallo, Florence old town.

    Event: Margherita Hack

    Dates: 8 Jan 2016 - 12 Jan 2016

    Venue: Palazzo Comunale di Pontassieve, Pontassieve

    Group Exhibition about Margherita Hack, at Palazzo Comunale di Pontassieve, Italy.
    I showed my artwork called "Mars".

    Event: Art Exhibition

    Dates: 16 Dec 2015 - 16 Jan 2016

    Venue: Caffè Sant'Ambrogio, Firenze

    Art Exhibition with great artist called Carla Fossi, at Caffè Sant'Ambrogio, piazza Sant'Ambrogio, Florence old town.

    Event: Cogliere l'attimo-testimonianza-creatività

    Dates: 5 Sep 2015 - 17 Sep 2015

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    Group Exhibition about photography, at Galleria Gadarte, via Sant’Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

    Event: La Terra ed i suoi frutti (Expo Milano)

    Dates: 16 May 2015 - 28 May 2015

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    Group Exhibition about Expo Milano 2015, at Galleria Gadarte, via Sant’Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

    Event: Artisti di Gadarte

    Dates: 7 Feb 2015 - 19 Feb 2015

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    Gruop Exhibition fo Gadarte artists, at Galleria Gadarte, via Sant’Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

    Event: Carnevale

    Dates: 24 Jan 2015 - 2 Feb 2015

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    Art exhibition inspired to Carnival, at Galleria Gadarte, via Sant’Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

    Event: Cardo d'Argento prize

    Dates: 5 Nov 2013 - 17 Nov 2013

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    I won first photography award at Auditorium della Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, via Folco Portinari, Florence old town.

    Event: La Bicicletta

    Dates: 21 Sep 2013 - 3 Oct 2013

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    Art exhibition about bicycle, at Galleria Gadarte via Sant’Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

    Event: Il mondo della fotografia

    Dates: 25 May 2013 - 6 Jun 2013

    Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

    Group Exhibition of photography at Galleria Gadarte, Florence old town.



2014 - 2016

Design Campus - University of Florence

2011 - 2014

Design Campus - University of Florence

2005 - 2010

Ist. Tornabuoni - Graphic Florence

0 - 2022

Publication book: Fat People and Things



Cardo d'Argento prize

Art Exhibition at Sala delle Vetrate, Caffè Letterario le Murate, Florence old town.
I won second art prize.

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IX rassegna di arte contemporanea Bagno a Ripoli - Firenze

I won first painting prize under-25 during "Palio delle Contrade - Giostra della Stella", Bagno a Ripoli, Florence.
Period: 9/6/2014-9/15/2014


Cardo d'Argento

I won first photography award at Auditorium della Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, via Folco Portinari, Florence old town.

There are no upcoming events

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Previous events

Event: Esposizione di design

Dates: 1 May 2021 - 1 Nov 2021

Venue: Biennale di Architettura di Venezia, Venezia, Itali

Esposizione progetto SAM padiglione Italia

Event: E-state insieme

Dates: 14 Jun 2019 - 27 Jun 2019

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

It's a group exhibition of gadarte artists.
I showed the painting called "Silver way".

Event: The water between us

Dates: 3 Dec 2018 - 10 Dec 2018

Venue: D|A|C, Miami, USA

The Water Between Us

One of the four essential elements, water is a symbolic natural
resource which has nurtured philosophical and artistic traditions

throughout the centuries.

As early as prehistoric times, water has been an esteemed
subject; humans have depicted water as a wavy line, a stylized
image that was easily recognizable and comprehensible, as a
means of attempting to understand what was unknown and


Yet today, depictions of water often represent a focus that is less

external and more internal.

We have called artists together to reinterpret this primitive and
timeless subject today in 2018. Utilizing an innovative approach

to showcasing artwork, this exhibition is featuring an

unconventional salon wall installation, gathering together these

re-imaginings into one flowing vision.

Event: Generation Gap

Dates: 23 Nov 2018 - 23 Nov 2018

Venue: Rifrullo, Firenze, Italy

Artist interview

Event: Tracce nel Tempo

Dates: 19 May 2018 - 31 May 2018

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

Art Exhibition at Gadarte Gallery, via Sant'Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

Event: Spring Art Exhibition

Dates: 24 Mar 2018 - 5 Apr 2018

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

Art Exhibition at Gadarte Gallery, via Sant'Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

Event: Arte a Natale

Dates: 6 Dec 2017 - 6 Jan 2018

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

Art Exhibition at Gadarte Gallery, via Sant'Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

Event: Assenza e Presenza

Dates: 4 Nov 2017 - 24 Nov 2017

Venue: Onart, Florence

Art Exhibition at Onart Gallery, via della Pergola, Florence old town.

Event: Ottone Rosai

Dates: 4 Nov 2017 - 24 Nov 2017

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

Art Exhibition at Gadarte Gallery, via Sant'Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

Event: Cardo d'Argento Prize

Dates: 4 Oct 2017 - 8 Oct 2017

Venue: Villa Vogel, Florence, Tuscany, Italy

Art Exhibition at Villa Vogel, Florence.

Event: Ottone Rosai

Dates: 30 Sep 2017 - 6 Oct 2017

Venue: Ottone Rosai Atelier, Florence

Art Exhibition at Ottone Rosai Atelier, Florence old town.

Event: Art Exhibition

Dates: 1 Jun 2017 - 30 Sep 2017

Venue: Tornabuoni Art, Forte dei Marmi

Art Exhibition at Tornabuoni Art, Forte dei Marmi.

Event: Art Exhibition

Dates: 22 May 2017 - 9 Sep 2017

Venue: Plaz, Florence

Art Exhibition at Plaz, via Pietrapiana, Florence old town.

Event: Carnevale

Dates: 18 Feb 2017 - 3 Mar 2017

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

Art Exhibition at Gadarte Gallery, via Sant'Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

Event: Sandro Botticelli

Dates: 18 Nov 2016 - 20 Nov 2016

Venue: Fortezza da Basso, Florence, Italy

Art Exhibition with Professor Vittorio Sgarbi supervisor at Fortezza da Basso, Florence old town.

Event: Arte istantanea

Dates: 12 Nov 2016 - 24 Nov 2016

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

Art Exhibition at Gadarte Gallery, via Sant'Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

Event: Cardo d'Argento Prize

Dates: 23 Oct 2016 - 31 Oct 2016

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

Art Exhibition at Sala delle Vetrate, Caffè Letterario le Murate, Florence old town.
I won second art prize.

Event: Art Exhibition

Dates: 3 Sep 2016 - 7 May 2016

Venue: Caffè Serafini, Florence

Art Exhibition at Caffè Sant'Ambrogio, Via Gioberti, Florence.

Event: Art Exhibition

Dates: 27 May 2016 - 7 Jul 2016

Venue: Veggy Days, Florence

Art Exhibition at restaurant Veggy Days, Via San Gallo, Florence old town.

Event: Margherita Hack

Dates: 8 Jan 2016 - 12 Jan 2016

Venue: Palazzo Comunale di Pontassieve, Pontassieve

Group Exhibition about Margherita Hack, at Palazzo Comunale di Pontassieve, Italy.
I showed my artwork called "Mars".

Event: Art Exhibition

Dates: 16 Dec 2015 - 16 Jan 2016

Venue: Caffè Sant'Ambrogio, Firenze

Art Exhibition with great artist called Carla Fossi, at Caffè Sant'Ambrogio, piazza Sant'Ambrogio, Florence old town.

Event: Cogliere l'attimo-testimonianza-creatività

Dates: 5 Sep 2015 - 17 Sep 2015

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

Group Exhibition about photography, at Galleria Gadarte, via Sant’Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

Event: La Terra ed i suoi frutti (Expo Milano)

Dates: 16 May 2015 - 28 May 2015

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

Group Exhibition about Expo Milano 2015, at Galleria Gadarte, via Sant’Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

Event: Artisti di Gadarte

Dates: 7 Feb 2015 - 19 Feb 2015

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

Gruop Exhibition fo Gadarte artists, at Galleria Gadarte, via Sant’Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

Event: Carnevale

Dates: 24 Jan 2015 - 2 Feb 2015

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

Art exhibition inspired to Carnival, at Galleria Gadarte, via Sant’Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

Event: Cardo d'Argento prize

Dates: 5 Nov 2013 - 17 Nov 2013

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

I won first photography award at Auditorium della Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, via Folco Portinari, Florence old town.

Event: La Bicicletta

Dates: 21 Sep 2013 - 3 Oct 2013

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

Art exhibition about bicycle, at Galleria Gadarte via Sant’Egidio 27/r, Florence old town.

Event: Il mondo della fotografia

Dates: 25 May 2013 - 6 Jun 2013

Venue: Gallery "GadArte", Florence, Italy

Group Exhibition of photography at Galleria Gadarte, Florence old town.



Mattia Paoli Noj, born Mattia Paoli (Florence, November 28, 1991), is a painter, photographer, sculptor, graphic designer and nft artist, well known and appreciated abroad. He is most famous for his paintings with car wheel tires. His artistic research explores new creative approaches and investigates the visual relationship between real objects and their representation.