Jane Dignum

Joined Artfinder: Nov. 2019

Artworks for sale: 34


United Kingdom

About Jane Dignum

  • Biography
    I am a print maker living in York, North Yorkshire. Art has always been important to me, both viewing it as well as creating it. I completed a Fine Art degree at Leeds college of Art and whilst there focused on printmaking. Although I like to try out lots of printmaking techniques, I tend to focus on Linocut and I also make collages from pieces of my prints. The city of York and the county of Yorkshire are great sources of inspiration for my work as is my allotment and the wildlife that I see there. I have been printmaking on and off for at least twenty years. I used to mainly draw and paint but I have a tendency to become obsessed with fine detail. Printmaking allows for more stylistic freedom and to a degree, you are out of control of some of the process which is very exciting. I taught myself to relief-print as all I needed was a material such as Lino, a few tools, paper and ink. It is a very accessible form of printing and I was able to achieve satisfactory results just by working at the kitchen table. About ten years ago I invested in an etching press and a year ago I became serious about becoming a full time artist. I have taken part in York Open Studios, which is a major art event in the city, many times. I have also shown work in local galleries and sell at art fairs such as Art&York.  I am excited to sell on Artfinder as it will allow my work to be shown to a wide audience of like minded people .
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I am a print maker living in York, North Yorkshire. Art has always been important to me, both viewing it as well as creating it. I completed a Fine Art degree at Leeds college of Art and whilst there focused on printmaking. Although I like to try out lots of printmaking techniques, I tend to focus on Linocut and I also make collages from pieces of my prints. The city of York and the county of Yorkshire are great sources of inspiration for my work as is my allotment and the wildlife that I see there. I have been printmaking on and off for at least twenty years. I used to mainly draw and paint but I have a tendency to become obsessed with fine detail. Printmaking allows for more stylistic freedom and to a degree, you are out of control of some of the process which is very exciting. I taught myself to relief-print as all I needed was a material such as Lino, a few tools, paper and ink. It is a very accessible form of printing and I was able to achieve satisfactory results just by working at the kitchen table. About ten years ago I invested in an etching press and a year ago I became serious about becoming a full time artist. I have taken part in York Open Studios, which is a major art event in the city, many times. I have also shown work in local galleries and sell at art fairs such as Art&York.  I am excited to sell on Artfinder as it will allow my work to be shown to a wide audience of like minded people .