About Anton Gorlin
Bronze Award - The Pano Awards
Top 50 Monkey single photo
Top 2% Fog contest
Top 100 black and white photographer
According to the results of voting 2 of 22 photos submitted by the author reached the third stage. Only 3956 people have reached the third stage (shortlist). Based on the ranking for the 3 best photos, the author entered in TOP 100 photographer in the nomination "Black and white" (24420 uploaded photo), TOP 150 photographer in the nomination "Landscape - daytime" (43952 uploaded photo). Total participation has taken 117541 people from 173 countries. A total of 418 thousand photos have been submitted.
Top 50 Landscape-daytime nomination
According to the results of voting 2 of 22 photos submitted by the author reached the third stage. Only 3956 people have reached the third stage (shortlist). Based on the ranking for the 3 best photos, the author entered in TOP 100 photographer in the nomination "Black and white" (24420 uploaded photo), TOP 150 photographer in the nomination "Landscape - daytime" (43952 uploaded photo). Total participation has taken 117541 people from 173 countries. A total of 418 thousand photos have been submitted.
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Previous events
Event: Bridges of the World
Dates: Feb. 3, 2018 - Feb. 24, 2018
A group photography exhibition featuring bridges from all over the world.
Event: Water - the magic of Nature
Dates: Dec. 12, 2015 - Feb. 10, 2016
A group photography exhibition featuring water in all its forms - seas, rivers, lakes, etc.
Event: Ukrainian Carpathians
Dates: May 4, 2013 - May 25, 2013
An exhibition featuring Ukrainian mountains - Carpathians.
Event: Cities of the World
Dates: Jan. 5, 2013 - Jan. 26, 2013
A solo exhibition with various cityscapes, which lasted for about a month.
Event: Australian Shores
Dates: April 1, 2012 - April 30, 2012
A solo exhibition in the art space with multiple artworks, which lasted for about a month.
Event: Sydney Galleries
Dates: June 19, 2010 - Aug. 18, 2011
An art gallery shop in the top tourist location in Sydney. The gallery participation lasted for over a year until I went overseas.
Event: Red Door Creative Twilight Art Market
Dates: April 10, 2010 - April 24, 2010
A group art market with multiple artists, mediums, sizes, etc
Event: Red Door Creative
Dates: Feb. 12, 2010 - Feb. 13, 2010
Group exhibition with mixed medium artists