About Alison Fennell
2016 - 2016
Welsh Academy of Art, Crickhowell, Wales
1990 - 1991
Cardiff University
1984 - 1988
Aston University
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Event: The Society of Women Artists 156th Annual Exhibition
Dates: July 3, 2017 - July 9, 2017
I had a watercolour portrait accepted via 2 independent juries to be chosen from a global entry base. Only 300 were shown at The Mall Galleries that year.
I paint for myself to express my obsessions and hope that maybe some piece of mine will also resonate in the same way with you.
I am inspired by what I see in the world - especially the endearing antics of animals and the colourful drama of flowers.
Using the mercurial medium of watercolour allows me to express whatever inspires me in a vibrant way because watercolour has a mind of its own and is so fluid.
With regards painting animals my heart goes out to them every day as we humans do so much to damage and spoil their environment and natural way of living.
I hope that by painting them with respect and faithfulness that their sensitivity and presence will be more and more valued and protected. I use my art to fund many animal charities worldwide.
I want to tell people how I feel about a subject and what draws me to it - watercolour is my favourite vehicle for doing that.