About Alexandra Sergeeva
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Event: 3rd Exhibitions NPS
Dates: Dec. 3, 2020 - Dec. 16, 2020
3rd Exhibitions NPS "intersect"
Jury of selection: Sergei Oussik, Alex Vitkovsky, Elena Tatkina
Judge of awards: Liz Haywood-Sullivan
Dates: Aug. 16, 2020 - Aug. 29, 2020
The collective exhibition “The Art of Inspiring” presents more than 40 works by artists from different cities of Russia. The exposition includes paintings and graphic works, as well as mosaic art objects, designer dolls.
Dates: July 7, 2020 - July 19, 2020
You will see St. Petersburg through the eyes of artists. You can walk not only in the city center, but also in sleeping areas, walk on rooftops, see the city from the window of an apartment you have never been to. The works of artists call to admire not only the beauty of the ceremonial St. Petersburg, but also to pay attention to the "canvases" of the walls of St. Petersburg courtyards, on which time itself draws its messages for everyone.
Perhaps the city, like a mysterious stranger, will tell someone new stories about itself, and someone will meet him as an old friend and be able to indulge in good memories.
The exposition includes paintings and graphic works.
Event: 3 online exhibition National Pastel Society of Russia
Dates: April 25, 2020 - April 30, 2020
Member of the group annual exhibition of pastel artists of Russia
Event: PASTELium 2020
Dates: March 3, 2020 - March 8, 2020
The international pastel artists contest “PASTELium” is open to artists from any country in the world.
Alexandra ♥