Say hello to Artfinder's contemporary art curator, Julia Alvarez

Say hello to Artfinder's contemporary art curator, Julia Alvarez

Joining Alex, Dario and Aindrea on Artfinder's curatorial team is Julia Alvarez, founder of BEARSPACE Gallery and the South London Art Map. She's devoted her career to discovering new and emerging artists, so you can bet she knows talent when she sees it. Here, we discover who Julia is and how she got her expert eye for everything contemporary art.

Who's Julia?

Julia Alvarez is the founder and director of BEARSPACE Gallery and the South London Art Map, specialising in discovering and supporting emerging artists. Julia has worked within the contemporary art world over the last 15 years and understands public art, marketing, curating, art sales and promotion. As well as this, she regularly gives talks on professional development for artists at universities, colleges and as part of professional development programmes.

BEARSPACE prides itself on discovering exceptional artists early on in their careers. Their artists have gone on to show regularly at prestigious galleries and feature in many important collections in the UK and internationally. The South London Art Map is a network of galleries and studios located across South London.

Fresh art

With an eye for fresh and exciting contemporary art that packs a sunny punch, we asked Julia to choose her picks this spring.

Keeping the theme in mind, Julia explains, "As spring is in the air, it's a great time to take a fresh look at artists and artworks I think are great this month.

"March is a time when we open our eyes and minds to the landscape around us, and refresh our own interior landscapes.

"My selection focuses on the geometry of landscapes, but also on colour and abstraction. Each piece crosses the boundaries between 'inside and out', representing both our thoughts and experiences."

Shop Julia's curated collection

Cover image via Paulo Vilarinho

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