Sofya Mikeworth

: Dec. 2016

: 110


United States

  •  Welcome to my Art Gallery of Sofya Mikeworth & thank you for visiting! I never stop learning from  the beauty of  the surrounding world. I believe that it is impossible to understand all the secrets of painting. I am only a student, and life is my teacher. Feeling joy, admiration, and wonder, I try to transfer these feelings to the canvas and it makes life a little bit  brighter. My children are a constant inspiration for my art.

 Welcome to my Art Gallery of Sofya Mikeworth & thank you for visiting! I never stop learning from  the beauty of  the surrounding world. I believe that it is impossible to understand all the secrets of painting. I am only a student, and life is my teacher. Feeling joy, admiration, and wonder, I try to transfer these feelings to the canvas and it makes life a little bit  brighter. My children are a constant inspiration for my art.