Samantha Adams

Joined Artfinder: March 2016

Artworks for sale: 444


United Kingdom

Updates from Samantha Adams's studio

  • Prussia cove -South Cornwall

    Wild and inspiring place to observe the light ,sea and energy in November .

    25 November 2016

    Rinsey cove -South Cornwall

    My mini break that I have just experienced.I am so inspired to paint 🎨

    22 November 2016


    A spontaneous moment on a very meaningful day last Sunday 13th November 2016 'Remembrance Day'.

    15 November 2016

    Deverills -Wiltshire

    This is the Deverills hills and an amazing area of wildness ,large open crop fields ,scattering of trees and woodland .Its situated in Wiltshire as I was taking a drive out today to see the last colours of Autumn I went down a back road and discovered this perfect setting for big sky sun dropping and atmospheric light giving romantic ,delicate muted tones over the countryside ,

    13 November 2016

    #Making Art work

    This is the beautifull Fontmell Down nature reserve situated on the chalk hills of North Dorset where I live.

    07 November 2016

    Art garden studio- North Dorset

    Art garden studio- North Dorset

    This is where I let creativity flow in the art garden studio in Shaftesbury- North Dorset.I teach here too in watercolour techniques one to one. I show my watercolours here and sell to the public.

    03 November 2016

    Wincombe woods in Autumn

    Wincombe woods in Autumn

    View from my house in North Dorset .

    01 November 2016

    New Forest

    A watercolour art demonstration showing how you can paint trees - woodland outside and embrace the light ,Autumn colours and atmosphere. Last Sunday 30th October 2016. Wet on wet technique,Chinese hake,hogs hair and goats hair brushes.

    01 November 2016

    Blackmore vale - North Dorset.

    This is a stunning location at the base of Shaftesbury hill -St James looking towards the start of the Blackmore vale in rustic ,romantic North Dorset.

    26 October 2016

    Windy end to the walk Hindon ridge -Wiltshire

    An atmospheric look and exspressing my feelings of what I see .

    23 October 2016

    Hindon valley - Wiltshire

    The sun was dropping down over the countryside at the end of the walk and it was wonderful to see.

    22 October 2016

    Hindon woods Wiltshire

    Admiring the beauty of the ancient beech tree woods of Hindon in Wiltshire near where I live.

    18 October 2016