Rod Norman

Joined Artfinder: Aug. 2013

Artworks for sale: 1


United States

Updates from Rod Norman's studio

  • Waning LIght

    Waning LIght

    A close up.

    30 April 2015

    Masterpiece on a desk

    Masterpiece on a desk

    Here's a nice shot of a small masterpiece on a desk sent by a client.

    30 April 2015

    08 April 2015

    Work Station

    Work Station

    As some of you have seen, my work area is limited but useful. I painted for quite some time at a coffee table in the living room while watching movies. However, seeing a need to get a little more organized, I set up a workstation on the dining room table with containers I can simply move to set the table for guests. I have more room now and my work station is out of the way. I would have a studio but with my bedroom turned into a recording and film studio, there's just no room left.

    08 April 2015

    One of my collectors

    One of my collectors

    I am proud to count this fine art photographer among my many collectors.

    14 February 2015

    Collector's piece

    Collector's piece

    A wonderful collector sent me this image of one of my works displayed in his home. He's one of the most wonderful photographers with a long list of collectors himself.

    14 February 2015

    New York Studio (loaned by a friend)

    New York Studio (loaned by a friend)

    While in New York, my good friend Lindsay Fisher allowed me to use his large painting studio in his apartment for about six months. This is how I set up the table. It was on the ground floor facing onto second avenue. At the time I was painting on canvases that were about 5.5' x 7', the measurement of the human reach as suggested by Lindsay. He worked at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

    02 February 2015

    The Struggle

    The Struggle

    Weather outside isn't really too bad, but it gets rainy quickly and so I chose to work inside from reference photos. This is, for the time being, my "studio". I really love the feeling of all my tools handy and near to my hands as I work. The stacks are paintings finished and new canvases that I ordered online. My Nephew, Bret, took the photo. He's really getting into photography now.

    26 January 2015

    8x10 acrylic painting framed

    8x10 acrylic painting framed

    This size along with the 5x7s and 11x14s are perfect for that tall narrow wall where few things look good. It really showcases the artwork and excites and impresses your friends and house guests when they see it framed like this.

    24 January 2015

    Lava Wall 2

    Lava Wall 2

    10 January 2015

    Lava Wall 1

    Lava Wall 1

    This magnificent painting was featured on my shop for a while. For Christmas, I offered my sister her choice of any painting since she had worked so hard for me to find a nice home here in Eugene while I was still in Prineville. She selected this one, so I deleted it from the shop and helped her select a frame. I hated parting with it, but it is so good to see that it has a good home now.

    10 January 2015

    George Roberson

    George Roberson

    This was painted while attending the Ringling School of Art and Design. It hangs in George's home. He was kind enough to permit me to feature it here. It is one of the few portraits I have done.

    10 January 2015