Olga Volna

Joined Artfinder: Feb. 2019

Artworks for sale: 165



Updates from Olga Volna's studio

  • Proud of finishing Turkish landscapes

    Proud of finishing Turkish landscapes

    24 May 2020

    Lady on the grass

    18 May 2020

    At the exhibition in Moscow three times told about why I love to draw stairs so much.

    It's very simple. A ladder is a potential, it is an opportunity, you can use it both up and down, or you can rest, stand, take a breath on a step. Each step is a step, a unit of motion. Tempo, speed, direction - everything depends on us, on the going.

    14 May 2020

    Making collages

    Making collages

    07 May 2020

    Making collages

    Making collages

    01 May 2020

    My lovely Turkish landscapes

    My lovely Turkish landscapes

    27 April 2020

    During the vernisage "Everything is not what it looks like."

    During the vernisage "Everything is not what it looks like."

    24 April 2020

    The theme of the city is one of the favorites. Industrial Style.

    Specially looked for a view where there will be a part of the city space - a line, a power line, a highway. It has its own novel: how the noise and pulsation of the metropolis relate to the picture. By the way, a painting or a panel, I haven't decided yet. But that it is the biggest of my works - 90*70!

    20 April 2020

    Making history for my collages and paintings

    Making history for my collages and paintings

    16 April 2020

    Proud of finishing fashion still life

    Proud of finishing fashion still life

    08 April 2020

    Artwork in progress

    03 April 2020

    Working process

    Working process

    29 March 2020