Lyra Morgan

Joined Artfinder: June 2013

Artworks for sale: 59


United Kingdom

Updates from Lyra Morgan's studio

  • Gravitate

    A close up exploration of this painting.

    15 November 2020

    Ebb and Flow

    Here is a journey across the landscape that is Ebb and Flow!

    15 November 2020

    Working from Home with a happy cat

    Working from Home with a happy cat

    This image includes the amazing Sky. She was very, very poorly late last year and we set up a full on ‘hospital’ at home which included a basket by the window. I am pleased to say that after much care, love and help by the experts - she is now fully recovered and no longer in her version of ‘lockdown’. She loves her bed by the window so much so that there was no way I was going to move it to accommodate my equipment/paints for our ‘lockdown’! Sky purrs while I paint. I paint while she purrs!

    19 May 2020

    Happy New Colours!

    Happy New Colours!

    I've started the New Year (and decade) off with some vibrant colours. One of my goals for my practice this year is to try out new colour combinations. The world needs more colour.....

    01 January 2020

    This weeks colour palette

    This weeks colour palette

    All set to start work on some new paintings so just opened the cupboard (I had a big tidy up for this weeks open studios event) to see what colours are there - that will tell me what to paint!

    25 November 2019

    Open Studios clothes coordination!

    Open Studios clothes coordination!

    One of the visitors to this weekend's Open Studios event commented on how well my clothes match my paintings, does that make me a sitting painting!!? Or, my paintings a hanging wardrobe!?!

    25 November 2019

    Commission - nearly finished

    Commission - nearly finished

    I was asked to create a piece using colours that are outside my normal colour palette. Although challenging at first, I am now really enjoying using these warm colours, watch this space for how new works might incorporate these autumnal colours....

    25 November 2019

    Layer 1 of many

    Layer 1 of many

    This is the first layer of a new commission. Many more layers and colours to go so watch this space!

    26 September 2019

    New colour spotted on dungarees!

    New colour spotted on dungarees!

    Yes, it is true....I have been working with orange and saffron and yellow! If you look really closely you can see a smidge on my dungarees. I am working on a commission and the client has requested these colours - it feels good to explore new colours.

    26 September 2019

    Open Studios Event

    Open Studios Event

    My studios doors will be open at the end of November for our annual Open Studios event. We are expecting a few thousand visitors so it is always fun meeting everyone and sharing feelings and thoughts about art, colour and creativity.

    17 September 2019

    Throwback Thursday!

    Throwback Thursday!

    My old studio from 2012! Me working on some cityscapes. Still have and love the chair!

    11 July 2019

    Its not blue!

    Its not blue!

    As you can see, most of my works come from the blue colour palette. Blue holds a fascination with me as I feel calm yet energised when I work with it and after all these years of working with it, it seems the shades are infinite. Recently, I have expanded my colour palette as seen here in Drawing Parallels I. It is not a departure from blue though as every pot of paint I mixed to create Drawing Parallels had some blue in it! Can't imagine a world without colour, colour has endless possibilities and that makes it so exciting to be an artist.

    19 June 2019