Staff picks

Discover daily inspiration from the Artfinder team and our Guest Editors with our hand-picked gift guides and seasonal trend selections. From tiny treats to stunning showstoppers, you'll find the perfect artwork, whatever your style.

Contemporary Art

Created by Artfinder Collections

The art of the now, contemporary art is created by a global, culturally diverse variety of artists. From abstract and figurative art to typography, explore our collection of contemporary art. Cover image by Jack Daly.

Bright and Colourful

Created by Artfinder Collections

Discover vibrant artworks bursting with energy in this collection. From sunny yellows to radiant reds, electric blues, and lush greens, these pieces will brighten your space and uplift your mood. Cover image by Darren John.

Retro and Pop Culture

Created by Artfinder Collections

Travel back in time with our collection of funky florals, lively patterns, bold colours and dreamy compositions. Embrace the nostalgia of pop art with retro prints for an elegant, timeless interior. Cover image by Richard Heeps.

Folk and Boho

Created by Artfinder Collections

Add a touch of nature to your home and embrace your free-spirited side with our collection of Folk and Boho art, from flamboyant designs to soothing minimal prints. Cover image by Nadia Attura.

Art Republic Bestsellers

Created by Artfinder Collections

Explore our curated collection of Art Republic’s most sought-after artworks. Whether you’re looking to expand your collection or searching for the perfect gift, find your dream piece among our bestsellers. Cover image by Oli Mumby.

Introducing Art Republic

Created by Artfinder Collections

Exciting news! Art Republic is joining forces with Artfinder. Meet our inaugural selection of talented artists from Art Republic, featuring printmaking, sculpture, paintings and digital art. Cover image by Maxine Gregson.