Claire Newman-Williams

Joined Artfinder: May 2020

Artworks for sale: 28


United Kingdom

Updates from Claire Newman-Williams's studio

  • In the studio

    In the studio

    I'm lucky enough to have been able to build a studio in the garden of my house. A difficult commute for me is 3 dogs on the garden path instead of 2! It's a warm, light, inspiring place to be. I don’t use any one camera or process to produce my images. I have a cupboard full of old film cameras; a Brownie Autograph from the early 1900’s, a 1940’s Speed Graphic, old polaroids, plastic Holgas, and 35mm Nikons from the 1970’s. When I shoot, I regularly find myself capturing somewhat random images that inspire me at the time, but have no real sense of context. That comes later when I layer together the different elements of a piece to create a narrative. In the moments that I capture the images it’s more like being a collector than a photographer. Combining them later becomes a post-photographic process and this is where the story is told.​

    14 July 2020