Surface Your Shop: Get Seen With SEO!

Surface Your Shop: Get Seen With SEO!

SEO. Baffled? Don’t be! SEO (or Search Engine Optimisation to you and me) is the process of making sure that your website appears at the top of search results on internet search engines like Google or Yahoo. Because let’s face it - who actually looks beyond the first page of Google?

You may think that this requires a degree in technical wizardry, but actually all you really need a few minutes and a little know-how!

Talk yourself up

Search engines love juicy paragraphs of text! Therefore be as descriptive as possible when writing about yourself in your ‘About’ section. What makes you unique? What inspired you to become an artist? All of these elements combined can bump you up in search results.

But of course, make sure that your content is relevant. Large swathes of text are only going to detract from your message. Stuck for ideas? Try Google’s Keyword Planner to get inspiration for great search terms.

Flesh out your artwork descriptions

Don’t just do it for us – your artwork descriptions are the perfect place to generate SEO content and push more traffic to your page! Think about how you might describe your piece to a person in a blindfold. If you find this tricky, get a friend or a relative to describe what they see – you never know, they may have a completely different perspective!

Link, link, link

Search engines LOVE sites containing links as they increase the ‘hype’ surrounding your shop in the grand scheme of the internet. In other words, it’s a question of perceived popularity.

So how can you increase the popularity of your Artfinder Shop? Simple! Post links to it as frequently as possible – in your blog, in social media posts, in your email footer. Show those search engines that people are talking about your shop and your listings. After all, the easier you make it for people to see your shop, the more likely you are to sell!

Patience is a virtue…

…and change doesn’t happen overnight. Don’t be dismayed if your page views don’t shoot up as soon as you make the changes above; the most important thing is consistently ensuring high quality written content in your shop.

Hero image courtesy of Peter Walters

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