5 micro sculptures to transform your space

5 micro sculptures to transform your space

Brooklyn pop artist KAWS is taking over Yorkshire Sculpture Park this month, with his first ever museum exhibition in the UK. In homage, we thought we'd share a few of our favourite 'micro' sculptures.* Because, let's face it, we don't all have a space the size of a sculpture park!

1. Staying on a pop art theme, these Russian Dolls by London-based sculptor and illustrator, Georgia Sawers, would add an element of mischief to any room.

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2. US-based Yenny Cocq's perfect bronze families are melting our hearts this month. The figures can either be loosely sat or permanently mounted on a pedestal or stone base to create one of a kind families.

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3. 'Transcending' is a beautiful depiction of life passing by Australian sculptor Damian Harrison. Damian is currently based in Brighton in the UK.

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4. Nicola Beattie's soapstone 'Green Tomato' would be a great addition to any fruit bowl.

Turn them green with envy »

5. 'Book Scull' is one of a series of scull-ptures (sorry!) by London-based artist Barnaby Sax. It's real, an ethically, hand sourced British Roe Deer skull. Treated, cleaned and coated with old antique book pages.

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*Okay, we know, they're not THAT small. But they're quite small. 'Smallish sculptures' just didn't have the same ring to it...

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