Meet the team: Kirsty

Meet the team: Kirsty

Hi all,

Welcome to our ongoing Q&A feature, where we introduce a member of the Artfinder team to our community. This time, we speak with Kirsty, our People Operations Manager.

Q: Could you start by introducing yourself to our community?

Hello everyone, I’m Kirsty! I currently live in London with my Husband and my cat Yara, however, we are planning an escape to the countryside soon! 

I love to travel, learn new things, read and am fascinated by world history.

Q: How long have you worked with Artfinder and what is your role in the company?

My role at Artfinder is that of the People Operations Manager, which is responsible for HR. This means I focus on all things People, our Employee Experience and our Company Culture. 

I’ve been here just over a year, and have loved every minute of it!

Q: What have been your highlights of working with Artfinder so far?

My highlight is the people! I get to spend my days supporting some truly amazing human beings, making sure we are creating a fantastic place for them to work and grow. 

Every person in Artfinder really cares about what we do, how we do it and why we do it - so it’s important to ensure I’m there to care about them too!

Q: Do you come from a creative background? Do you engage in creative activities yourself?

Yes! I love learning, so I am always studying and trying something new!

I have photography qualifications, but only really use them for taking Holiday snaps and pictures of my cat!

I do LOVE interior design so I am constantly updating my home, trying out new things. I upcycle, sew and am pretty handy with power tools. Me and my husband are hoping to take on a home renovation project one day - I can’t wait to try that out!

Q: What does working for a B Corp mean to you?

Being a B Corp is one of the things that attracted me to Artfinder. 

We put a focus on being ethical, sustainable and a good business at the heart of all our decisions - which is SO important. 

We all spend so much time working, I want to know that I’m at a business that cares about the world around it. 

That fact we plant trees for every sale is also one of the favourite things about Artfinder! I’m a massive fan of Ecologi. 

Q: What do you like doing in your spare time?

I love to travel. Through travelling I’ve learnt so much; I’ve experienced new cultures, tried different foods, spoken new languages (albeit badly!) and made amazing memories. 

I also love hiking and being in the countryside - give me my hiking boots, backpack and a water bottle and I’m off! 

Q: How have you been coping with the recent Covid situation and do you have any words of advice for anyone who is not coping well with it?

Covid was hard on us all, we went from being free to do as we please to locked inside over night. 

One of the biggest challenges for me was being made redundant in April 2020, due to Covid. All of a sudden the market was flooded with People Specialists and NO jobs. However, it led me to Artfinder and I am truly grateful for that!

I try to look at the positives of all things, so there have been some silver linings - I love remote work! I am so much more productive in my own space and I get to see my cat more! 

From a HR point of view too, it’s really changed the way the industry approaches working styles and has started really important conversations about flexible working! I’m excited to see what the future holds here!

Q: If you could take only three items with you to a desert island, what would they be?

Tricky one, does the island have any amenities? Am I stranded? Was it once an amusement park with dinosaurs? I need details! 

Let’s go with : My kindle, a tent and a packet of jaffa cakes.

Q: Finally, do you have any message for our community?

You guys are amazing and I am so excited to be part of a company that supports you all and helps bring your art to the world.

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