5 ways to add sculpture to your art collection

5 ways to add sculpture to your art collection

When most people think about buying art, they usually think about purchasing a print or painting to display on their wall. Three-dimensional artworks are often overlooked because they’re perceived as being more complicated. Where do I start? What materials should I look for? Where do I put it?

However, sculpture can add so much to your home or space as it literally has another dimension to it. There is a certain playfulness to an object that exists purely for aesthetic enjoyment and a lot of satisfaction to be gained from owning art that offers a fresh perspective from different angles. It adds extra layers of texture and interest to the design of your home and can be used to make a statement, as well as complementing the existing artworks you have displayed.

The beauty of sculpture is that they come in so many different materials and sizes, there is something to suit everyone’s taste and budget. Having an actual tangible object that you can feel the weight and texture and move around your space, is thoroughly exciting.

“Sculpture’s a kind of displacement of space that invites a reappraisal of everything — including, if it’s really working well, your own inhabitation of your own body. Therefore, the potential of sculpture as an agent of transformation — if that’s what we think art can be — is so much greater than that of painting.” - Sir Anthony Gormley

If you’re excited about getting started on your sculpture journey, we’re here to give you some tips on different ways you can display your new artworks.

Add an object to your shelving or bookcase

If space is a concern, you can purchase a small or medium sculpture to display on a shelf or bookcase. The really fun thing about shelves is that you can curate what you put on them and move the items on display regularly. Mixing plants, books, curios and personal items with sculptural artworks can really show off your personality and tell your personal story through design.

Hang a relief on the wall

A good way to make a start on collecting sculpture is to go for one you can hang on your wall! Mix it in with other paintings and framed pictures in your gallery wall, display it above your bed, or make a statement by hanging a large work in your entrance, hallway or stairwell. By going for a sculpture that you can still hang on the wall, you don’t need to worry about the space it will occupy but will still have the benefits of a three-dimensional artwork.

Create an impact with a statement piece

If you are lucky enough to have the space available, a large statement sculpture can be the main feature of the room and be selected to work alongside your existing architectural features. You might want to commission an artist to create the perfect large piece so that you can really be creative with its placement. When it comes to commissioning a sculptural artwork, the sky’s the limit in terms of what can be achieved and you can really allow an artist to explore their creativity.

Use a pedestal to display your new object

In order to display a smaller work at eye level, you can use a plinth to elevate a work. You can either use a dedicated plinth or display case like you would find in a gallery, or get creative by using a side table, stool, sideboard or another piece of tall furniture. To really create drama, you can display it at the centre of a room to make it the focal point.

Don’t forget about your garden

With the garden, the possibilities for displaying sculpture are endless. You can make a sculpture the main focus of the garden by placing it in the centre of your lawn, or have it blend in amongst your beds so it almost appears to be growing alongside your plants. You can even use a sculpture to create a water feature, just make sure that you check that the sculpture is intended for outdoors, as not all materials will withstand the elements.

If you would like help finding the perfect sculpture for your space or project, you can contact our Curators about our personal shopping service.

Inspired? View more sculpture

Cover image via Rebecca Ainscough

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